Light Painting Artist Dan Chick has put together a really cool website and light painting project called Piece Out! Piece Out is a site focused on bringing light painting artist from all around the world together to work on collaborative images created one piece at a time! This is how it works…
“A source image is carefully selected (some work much better than others) and it’s sliced into individual tiles. Each of the pieces is then assigned to different members of the website that have selected to participate in the project and the artist then uses light painting techniques to create their piece or pieces of the overall picture. The website will automatically assemble the individual light paintings together to create the new light painted version of the original image.
Please head over to the Piece Out Website and participant! There are two open projects going on right now including a Van Gogh collaboration with LPWA for The International Day of Light! Below is a smaller finished version of the Light Painting Photography Logo using this technique created by Dan some years ago!
For the promotion and progression of Light Painting!