This 15 minute documentary tells the story of Denis Smith. Two years ago he was in a high pressure sales job suffering with depression, debt and alcohol problems. Then he discovered light painting, and his life changed forever... READ THE LPP INTERVIEW WITH DENIS ABOUT THIS FILM … read more
Featured Light Painting Video
Ball of Light
Featured Light Painting Artist: Dean Chamberlain
Dean Chamberlain is the father of light painting photography and has been capturing photographs since 1967. It was his passion for photography that led him to the Rochester Institute of Technology in 1974 to pursue a fine art degree. During Dean's … [Read More...]
Featured Tutorial
Camera Rotation is a Light Painting technique that falls into the category of Kinetic Light Painting. Kinetic Light Painting means that the lights in the scene generally stay stationary (although they don't have to) and the camera itself is moved to … [Read More...]
For the promotion and progression of Light Painting!