DIY Light Painting Photography Tool Tutorials by Dana Maltby, A.K.A. TCB
DIY Cold Cathode Light Painting Tool: In this Light Painting Photography Tutorial by Dana Maltby, a.k.a. TCB, a.k.a. Twin Cities Brightest you will learn how to assemble and operate a battery operated cathode. A cold cathode will create a neon light light effect in your Light Painting Photography. They can be bought pretty cheap and will create some unique effects in your images.
DIY Light Wheel Light Painting Tool: In this Light Painting Photography tutorial Artist Dana Maltby shows how to create a really easy light painting tool out of a string of LED lights and the wheel of a bicycle. This light painting tool is fairly easy to create but it can create some pretty complex images.
DIY Double Wheel Light Painting Tool: Why only have one string of light on a wheel when you can take it up a notch and put multiple lights onto the same DIY Light Painting Wheel Tool. In this Light Painting Photography tutorial Artist Dana Maltby shows how to double down on the wheel tool by adding LEDs and cathodes!
For the promotion and progression of Light Painting!