In this Light Painting Photography Tutorial, Jason D. Page shows how to keep your model in focus when creating a Light Painting Portrait using the Portrait Light Attachment from Light Painting Brushes. One of the most common mistakes made when creating a light painting portrait is passing light over your model multiple times. This causes your model to be out of focus because the camera is recording the multiple passes of light and unless your model is an actual statue they will move. If you want to get your model in focus, have them stay as still as possible and only illuminate them one single time! Check out the video below for all the details.
Gear List:
Light Painting Tools:
Light Painting Brushes
Camera Gear:
Camera, Canon 6D Mark ii
Lens, Rokinon 14mm
Lens, Sigma 24-105
Tripod: Neewer Carbon Fiber
Remote Shutter Release
For the promotion and progression of Light Painting!