Light Painting Photographer Joerg Miedza was helping his daughter with her science homework recently, when inspiration struck. Young Miedza was asking her dad about energy and how it worked. Thankfully Joerg remember a little experiment that he did when he was back in school. He thought that it would be a great way to teach his daughter a little more about energy. Joerg grabbed a few potatoes and headed to the garage, shorty after he invited his daughter to come see the Potato Power LED Light he had created. Using some nails, a few pieces of copper wire, and five 1 cent coins, Joerg connected 5 potatoes in a series. The series of potatoes created about 3 Volts of electricity, just enough to illuminate a single LED for some light painting fun. Check out the images below.
Here is a little video tutorial on how to create your own Potato Power.
For the promotion and progression of Light Painting!