This is gonna be so cool with a little help from you. Check out this light painting photography project in the works by light painter Linda Costa. They need some help to get cash flowing to put this thing together so if you can give a few bucks or a few hundred bucks please help support awesome light painting project. All you have to do is CLICK HERE TO SEE HOW TO GET INVOLVED. If your BROKE and have no bucks to give you can still help out…. SHARE this post on your facebook page, your twitter, and all your other pages that make us feel like we have way more friends than we actually do…..Don’t just blow it off and not share it, treat this like it was your own project because it is light painting and that is one of the things that makes this art form so damn special is the community we have. Help get the word out…. please and thank you.
Lillian Blades, Linda Costa, Roni Nicole Henderson ::
Sculptural interactive video experience
Banho De Luz- A Light Bath Ritual
Location: Carnegie Education Pavilion/Hardy Ivy Park ( John Portman Boulevard and Peachtree Street)
Banho de Luz — A Light Bath Ritual is an Elevate Atlanta 2012 project created by Lillian Blades, Roni Nicole Henderson and Linda Costa. Located at the Carnegie Education Pavilion at Hardy Ivy Park this site specific performance will transform the Pavilion into an enchanted space brimming with mystery and light. This event features illuminated light tapestries by mixed media assemblage artist Lillian Blades which will envelop the Pavilion, creating a glowing cocoon in which the artists hope to inspire and invigorate chosen participants using the power of light. A performance will unfold inside, lead by Lillian and light painting photographer Linda Costa, whose long exposure technique will capture portraits of participants which will then be projected onto a screen directly outside the pavilion. Video stream captures the process and will be transmitted online and shared via projections courtesy of ‘Moving Pictures’ Filmmaker Roni Nicole Henderson’s captive eye. Musical Artist Yamin Semali provides sounds, using spiritually influenced rhythm selections based on Brazilian Candomble, Bahamian Junkanoo and other Diasporic traditions selected for the inspiration each of these traditions have provided the artists in this project.
About Linda:
My photographs are light painted portraits- long exposures created in complete darkness using controlled lighting. All the special effects achieved in my images are done in the moment of taking the photograph, using experimental lighting techniques, not computer graphics. Each image takes between 2-5 minutes to create, while some may take as long as 15-30 minutes in order to achieve particular effects. These longer exposures allow me to create multiple people out of a single person, to add a feeling of time passing or movement in a single shot, and to create amazing special effects before your very eyes, in the moment of creation. I am passionate about my creative process, and have been commissioned for personal and commercial needs such as Album Art, Book Covers, and Fine Art Prints. I’m also known for performing my light painting at live events, where I can create images and share them with the public instantly. In these performances my work is fueled by the energy the audience shares. My unique process captures the essence of the subject I’m working with, creating images that are magical, colorful and bold. I’m a native of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and credit my tropical roots for my love of people, color and movement. I reside in Atlanta, GA with my husband and my daughter, where I participate in various exhibitions and events throughout the year.
For the promotion and progression of Light Painting!