I saw this Light Painting video called Floating Points ~ Silhouettes created by the creative team at Trunk Animation about a month or so ago and I completely dismissed it as a computer animation project, mainly because I was not smart enough to think that something like this could be done without post production. Well I just found the making of video (see bottom of post) and boy oh boy was I wrong and damn these guys are smart. This magical light painting animation took a team of creative and technical masterminds to complete, now I don’t know if anyone from the team will be reading this but if you are sorry for not understanding how amazing this is. You guys (ladies and gentlemen) are incredible, well done.
Directors: Junior Martínez, Pablo Barquín
Creative Team: Pablo Barquín, Anna Diaz Ortuño, Nathan Grimes, Junior Martínez
Executive Producers: H.I. (Hamill Industries) & Floating Points
Lead Producer: Anna Diaz Ortuño
Director of Photography: Nathan Grimes
Research & Technical Development: Pablo Barquín, H.I.
H.I. Technical Assistant: Joan Recasens
Editor: Anna Diaz Ortuño
Lead Animators: Fernando Domínguez, Wyz Borrero
Animators: Ohmyhood Luis “Inkclear” Redondo
Concept Artists: Junior Martínez , Michele Angelo
Plants Set Decorators: Estudio Sauvage
Post-production Team: Agus Verrastro, Florent Bastide
Production Assistants: Aida Busquets, Lidia Arruego
Digital Intermediate provided by RCO
RCO Colorist: Seth Ricart
RCO Producer: Marcus Lansdell
Special thanks to:
Fundación Rio Tinto, Ivan Rodriguez, 380 Monta Llum i Roda, Rab and Tanya Gordon, Chabeli Rodriguez, Marga Sardà, Alba Barneda, DVEIN, Agus Verrastro, Pamplona89, RCO, Laura Martinova, Pablo Hugo, Melissa, Saúl Narbona, Irina, Javo, Elsa Tejera, Jacinto Barquín, Marc Luelmo, Tinta, Cynthia, Sarah, Mita, Eric and specially to Sam for believing in this project since the very beginning.
Shot in Río Tinto, Huelva & Hamill Industries Headquarters
Barcelona, 2015
Chris Bauer says
That was amazing! Great work.
Johnny Andrews says
This is too damn cool!