Light painting photographer Dana Maltby, also known as TCB or Twin Cities Brightest, is one of today’s most well-known and highly respected light painting artist in the community today. TCB is widely thought of by his peers to be on the forefront of the light painting photography movement. Dana’s body of work is astounding; he creates new images on a daily basis and is one of the most creative individuals in the light painting world. Dana has created several tools and techniques. He is known for not only his imagery but also his willingness to give away his secrets to the masses. Dana discovered light painting while he was following one of his other passions “urban exploration”; he was taking pictures in a dark tunnel when he accidentally created his first light paintings. From that point on TCB was hooked. View some of Dana’s images below, read his full light painting photography interview below, and check out his website for more information
Light Painting Photography interview conducted by Jason D. Page in 2010
1. What is your name?
Dana Maltby
2. Do you have an alias that you go by?
Twin Cities Brightest
3. Are you a soloist or are you part of a Light Painting group? If a group who is in your group?
My roommate is Jake Saari aka Ectro so we shoot a lot lately, and sometimes a fellow named Mike Greenwell aka 55125. However I prefer to shoot alone.
4. What education do you have?
Bachelors of fine arts, Graphic Design from CVA the College of Visual Arts in St. Paul, Minnesota
5. What is your occupation?
Super hero, super villain, space voyager, star child, felon, explorer, photographer.
6. How long have you been a photographer?
Seriously shooting non-stop since three years ago when I learned about light painting.
7. How long have you been light painting?
3 years if you donÕt count the shots I did with a lighter about 8 years ago.
8. How did you discover Light Painting Photography?
On accident, then flickr people were already doing it and I learned a lot from others, everyone is very nice and helpful.
9. What was your first Light Painting Image?
10. Film or Digital?
11. Do you believe in aliens?
I am an alien.
12. What is your standard Light Painting Photography setup?
Camera, tripod, lights, beer.
13. What is your favorite color?
The red/orange custom white balance shots I take.
14. Who influences your Light Painting Photography work?
Back in the day, Tdub303, Pooleshooter Cindi, Lapp-pro. Now mostly Ectro, kidÕs crazy good.
15. Who is your favorite Light Painting Artist?
Eric Staller, Lapp-pro, Ectro
16. What is your favorite food?
Tie between good chili and stir fry
17. Do you create in any other mediums other than light painting? If so what are they?
I used to do the graff and I have a degree in Graphic Design.
18. What is your favorite Light Painting Photography image that you have created?
If you knew how much I shoot you would know thatÕs impossible to answer. How about this, itÕs the image that I did last at the time of this interview.
19. What is your favorite Light Painting Photography image of another artist?
20. What is the most difficult part of Light Painting Photography?
Centering the camera in a perfectly round tunnel, not getting arrested breaking into buildings.
21. How do you get your Light Painting Photography work seen?
The interwebs, flickr, facebook but that is really pissing me off with all the retards on it, and some shows. I donÕt really care about shows since itÕs basically a waste of time explaining to everyone how you do light painting. I prefer to take a photo every day instead.
22. Do you sell your Light Painting Photography work?
24. Where can we see more of your work?
25. What is your favorite quote?
Straight out of the camera or die.
26. Who is your favorite artist?
27. What is you favorite activity other than light painting?
Risking my life.
28. Tell me a good light painting story.
Cops letting me off after being utterly confused as to what the hell IÕm doing.
29. Tell me a nightmare light painting story.
The spot got locked down.
30. Have you ever been arrested or ticketed for light painting?
Not yet.
31. What do you say to people when they see you light painting and they ask Òwhat the hell are you doingÓ?
Being a magician.
32. Where do you find inspiration for your Light Painting Photography?
Sci-fi movies, my hatred for everyone who is lazy.
33. Who would you like to punch?
People who think HDR photos are hot, they are not.
35. Why do you Light Paint?
Because IÕm addicted.
36. What is your favorite time to shoot?
In the middle of the day in a tunnel or cave or building basement.
37. What is your favorite subject to shoot?
Gnarly fucking ruins and forgotten places, the grimier and more dangerous the better.
39. If you could travel anywhere to Light Paint where would you go?
The top of the Mayan ruins in 2012 to spin an orb on top of the temple as the apocalypse strikes.
40. Have you ever invented a Light Painting Photography tool? If so what was it and how did it work?
IÕve been a part of a lot of ground breaking tools, check out my tutorials.
41. Do you ever get sick of explaining your work to people?
Not when they are hot girls and itÕs making me looks cool.
42. How many times have you heard the word photoshop when someone was describing or asking about your work?
A lot, and I think a lot of people do use it. They donÕt use it to create the light, but thatÕs the easy part anyway. If you couldnÕt get the shot you wanted straight from the camera then realize itÕs impossible and move on.
43. What makes you happy?
Beer on abandoned building rooftops.
44. What makes you mad?
Not bringing enough beer, water dripping from the ceilings of drains into my beer.
45. What part of Light Painting Photography do you enjoy the most?
Making awesome images.
46. What part of Light Painting Photography do you hate the most?
Pushing myself way too hard all the time.
47. Do you have a website? If yes what is the address?
48. What is Light Painting Photography?
A long exposure photograph with light movement or surface painting, It is not strobing, thatÕs why strobing has a different name.
49. Give me some advice for anyone that might like to try Light Painting Photography.
Look at my tutorials and on the flickr group Light Junkies.
50. Are you scared of the dark?
For the promotion and progression of Light Painting!