Here are the entries for this months Light Painting Photography contest! The theme of this light painting competition was WINGS. Everyone PLEASE VOTE in the comment section of this page to pick your TOP 3 favorite images, ONLY VOTE ONE TIME. Please pick the 3 different images you love based on the images alone and leave your selections in the comment section of this page. The images all have a number in the title (EXAMPLE… IF ONE OF YOUR FAVORITES IS THE IMAGE TITLED “Light Painting Photography Contest 01″ THEN YOU SHOULD PUT THE NUMBER 01 AS ONE OF YOUR CHOICES). Voters must include 3 UNIQUE choices for your votes to be counted. In other words no 1,1,1, or 5,5,5, or 7,7,7,…..The voting will end 05/02/2020 at Midnight Eastern Standard Time, Enjoy.
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As always this Light Painting Photography contest is sponsored by the coolest damn companies on the Planet COAST Flashlights, Neon Flexible, Rosco and Light Painting Brushes ! Please support these awesome companies that support our light painting art from, without them this contest series would not be possible!
For the promotion and progression of Light Painting!