I recently received Denis Smith’s Liquid Light Tools and was excited to try them out. I called my friend Chris, who is an underwater photographer, to test them out. This was our first attempt, we didn’t really have any idea on what we wanted to create with them so we just jumped in the pool and starting waving them around in the water. We found that a half in/out shot gave us some cool abstract forms so we did a few of those, we also attempted to illuminate a palm frond but that didn’t really work out too well. The pool location was pretty limiting and we didn’t get the best results, but we did come up with a few good ideas for next time that will hopefully be in a much more interesting location. Also In the video I am switching out the tools I did not realize that you can actually use 2 pieces of plexiglass at the same time in the holder that Denis designed, because out of excitement and/or stupidity I skipped the tutorial video he sent along with the tools… Hopefully there will be more underwater Light Painting to come and next time the results will be much better.
Liquid Light Tools: https://www.denissmith.com.au/-liquid-light-tools
Follow me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/jasondpage_lightpainter/
Follow Chris on IG: https://www.instagram.com/chrisleidyphotography/
For the promotion and progression of Light Painting!